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if i didnt miss that day,it shouldnt be like this.
your profile here.


ill link you,when i want to or when you link me.



no gossips/spams are allowed-SERIOUSLY


December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008


Designer: sugar_sweet_love
Image: [x]

Friday, July 25, 2008
i shall dedicate this post to my beloved psp.
u are the sun that burns my eyes..
u have the game that i craze over..
ur buttons are so nice, it makes my fingers go numb.
last but not least,
k, bye. ( ryzal, i got update hor. )

6:27 AM

Saturday, June 28, 2008
State 10 random facts about yourself, then tag 10 people to do.
1. Manga Lover
2. Anime Lover
3. Naruto Lover
4. Bleach Lover
5. One Piece Lover
6. Twilight series fan
7. Chinese Sucker
8. I'm Lame as u can see.
9. I'm a total idiot
10. Computer Addict

Then now.. pick 5 people to do:
1. N
2. o

3. O
4. n
5. e

Quiz Starts:
1. What is the thing you want most?
Ans: PSP with NARUTO game inside!

2. What is the thing you want to do most?
Ans: Get good grades without studying hard..

3. If you had 1 wish, what will it be?
Ans: For my very existence to end.

4. What are you afraid to lose most?
Ans: My good friends.

5. What will you do when you're dying soon?
Ans: I will chiong to finish reading or watching my manga and anime.

6. Do you ever believe that your best friend will betray you?
Ans: Yes, betrayal is part of friendship.

7. If you met someone that you love a lot,will you confess to him/her?
Ans: Nope......

8. What is in your mind?
Ans: I'm wondering how long more this quiz is..

9. What type of people do you hate the most?
Ans: People like me.

10. Will you cherish your every friendship?
Ans: Yes, in my own way.

11. Do you believe in god?
Ans: Im a free-thinker, so no..

12. What will you do if you had a billion dollars?
Ans: Share with family and donate a portion.

13. What you want your friendship to be like?
Ans: As long as possible.

14. What is your favourite hobby?
Ans: Reading and watching animes.

15. What will you do if all your friends hate you?
Ans: Let them continue hating me.

16. If you feel low someday, who will you go to?
Ans: Myself.

17. If you had 3 wishes,what will they be?
- Good grades / higher IQ.
- Everyone around me to be happy.
- Peaceful death.

18. What are the dates you will never forget?
Ans: My good friend's birthdays.

19. What will you do if you had a time travel machine?
Ans: I will make up for all the bad things that i have done by demolishing my existence.

12:08 AM

Friday, May 30, 2008
1. Do you have a wide group of friends?
Ans: Nope.

2. If you are in trouble, will your friends 'fly' over to help you immediately?
Ans: Nope.

3. Will you sacrifice your most precious things for your friends?
Ans: Depends.

4. Do you believe in best friends, BFFs or that everyone's equal?
Ans: Best friends.

5. Do you think that a straight man and a woman can just be a platonic friends?
Ans: Yeah. Unless the man is a pervert or the woman is a jicopek! or smth like that.. =/

6. Do you have a male friend whom you can trust with almost everything?
Ans: Yeah.

7. Do you think friends should tell each other everything?
Ans: No.

8. If your friends are in trouble one day, what will you do?
Ans: I will do my best and help them out.

9. In future, if your friend gets married & ask you to be the bestman/bridesmaid. Will you agree?
Ans: Of course. Unless they make me dress up like a total idiot..

10. What will you do if your enemy calls you one day to make peace?
Ans: Make peace with him/her. Or else wad? -.- fight forever arh? siao.

11. What will you do to a friend whom you trust deeply, betrayed you?
Ans: Let our friendship go.. No point dwelling on it.. Just move on..

12. If your friend snatch away your girlfriend, will you still be friends with him or hate him completely?
Ans: I guess hate him completely.. =x

13. What if there is this girl you have like for quite sometime, tells you that she needs your help to win the heart of your friend, will you help her?
Ans: Yeah.. I guess i would.. Even if i didnt want to..

14. How many friends does your parents know?
Ans: 3.

15. Do your parents think your friends are bad influence?
Ans: Nope.. Since im so guai. xD

16. What will you tell your parents if they ask you to transfer school, which means you will lose all your closest friends?
Ans: I will most probably go with the flow.. The easy way out..

17. If your friend organises a once in a lifetime party, but your family doesnt allow you to go. Will you sulk, throw a temper, sneak out or dont go?
Ans: I will try to understand my parent's situation first.. If i find that they have more points than me, i will just dont go.

18. How will you describe your friendship/relationship with your friends?
Ans: Great I guess.

19. Define friendship.
Ans: A bond that comes and go.

Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you've named the 20 people. At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this. Its not in order.

1. Giam Ju Yew
2. Lim Zhi Ying
3. Wang Hao Wei
4. Benjamin
5. Joanne
6. Yi Hong
7. Qi Shan
8. Carol
9. Felicia
10. Chye You
11. Andrew Anthony
12. Rupert
13. Kok Keong
14. Eric
15. Samuel Lim
16. Raymond Ma
17. Samuel Lee
18. Michelle
19.Chee Yong
20. Jie Hui

How did you meet 14? (Eric)
-In NTSS..

What would you do if you never met 1? (Ju Yew)
- I wouldnt be here, having happy memories.

What if 9 and 20 dated? (Felicia, JieHui)
- LOL! They would be LESBIANS!

Will 6 and 17 date? (YiHong, Samuel Lee)
- LOL NO! They would be GAYS!

Describe 3. (HaoWei)
- My used-to-be best friend. :) Pro in ping pong, smart, hilarious and.. taller than me. -.-

Describe 7. (QiShan)
- An ass. Haha.. Born in WhiteAlienPlanet. Immigrated to a place on Earth called Singapore in 1994. :)

Do you know any of 12's family members? (Rupert)
- Unfortunately, no.

What would you do if 18 confesses to you that he/she likes you? (Michelle)
- I will laugh and get samuel lee to wake her up. XD

What languages does 15 speak? (SamuelLim)
- English, chinese, and i dunno le.

Who is 9 going out with? (Felicia)
- I dunno.. but it wont hurt to find out.. xD

How old is 16? (Raymond)
- Same as me, 15.

When is the last time you spoke to 13? (KokKeong)
- The end of MidYear.

Who is 2's favourite band/singer? (ZhiYing)
- No idea yo.

Would you ever date 4? (Benjamin)
- Yes. Of course! He is one of my favourite gay partners! :D

Would you ever date 1? (JuYew)

Is 19 single? (CheeYong)
- Strangely, yes.

Would you ever be in a relationship with 11? (Andrew)
- lol! I think clarissa has RESERVED him already! :)

School of 3? (HaoWei)
- Clementi Town Secondary School. :)

Where does 6 live? (YiHong)
- No idea..

What is your favourite thing about 5? (Joanne)
- Great friend, able to keep my secrets. :) but jo.. dont get too cocky! xD

Have you seen 2 naked? (ZhiYing)
- LOL! i think so. =x in pri 6 camp. xD

Next Five People To Do The Survey,
1. N
2. o

3. O
4. n
5. e

10:38 AM

Saturday, May 10, 2008
... ok..

here's the quiz..

1. What will I be most focused on most of the time?

- Animes & Mangas..

2. What do you want the most now?

- Sleep..

3. Who is the person you trust the most?

- Myself

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?

- Enough to keep my living..

5. If you have a dream to come true, what will it be?

- Have my early death..

6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain?

- No.. not everywhere got sun after rain de lor.

7. What is your goal for this year?

- To be able to read finish all the naruto manga!

8. Do you believe in eternity love?

- Nope.. Love changes with time.

9. What feeling do you like the most?

- Sleep and pon physics tution. -.-

10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?

- Trust

- Love

- Not naggy

- Grateful.

11. What feeling do you hate the most?

- Happiness

- The feeling of being loved.. by parents or any1..

12.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

- Yeah. Unless they too naggy. -.-

13.Do you believe god?

- Nope. Believing in ghosts is good enough for me..

14.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

- Knowing when u will die.

15.Who do you hope to be always there for you?

- Anything and Whatever.. dont need anybody.. can handle myself..


- Mudli ( my imaginary friend )

17.Who cares for you the most?

- Myself

18.Do you think " LOVE " is stupid?

- Yeah. Since its irrational.. -.-

19.Who do I hate the most now?

- ... personal. -.-''

Added question: When does my life end?
- God knows.. Maybe today? Maybe tomorrow? Maybe even now while i type...........

Randomly remove one question from above,and add in your own question,make it a total of 20 questions.

Tag 8 people in your list ,list them out at the end of this post.

Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged and whoever does the tag will have blessings from all people.
the special 3 People are :

- Me

- Myself

- & I

haha.. ps. i too lazy to go to ppl's blogs to tag them about this quiz.. =x

8:23 PM

Saturday, April 12, 2008
may every single wish of yours come true. :D

exams coming le.
and i can only use the comp on fri and sat night. -.-
idiotic right?

i had flagday today! :D
i want to help the handicap and needy ok?
but the dang attitude wheelchair bastard dam idiot can?

3/3 - 3/6 were supposed to meet at tiong bahru at 9.30am to get our tins.
but then that bloody wheelchair guy havent come. -.-
we waited till 11.30 leh!
he still havent come.
then mr sem called the bastard.
the bastard say he was at tiong bahru plaza but he tot is wrong place..
so he left.
F him man.
he obviously lying lor.
i wish he got his fat big ass stuck in the toilet bowl..
having trouble getting out.
so anyways..
mr sem gave out the tins and stickers.
eric, adli, hafizah, hidayah, esther, i and some other ppl headed to the mrt platform.
we stayed together in the train.
until 1 station.. forgot which 1 le.
adli, hafizah, hidayah and me stayed on the train to go to tampines while the rest went to changi.
when we reached,
the 4 cell man team split up into groups of 2.. adli and me.. hafizah and hidayah.
adli held the stickers while i carried the tin and ask the ppl for donations.
they all so dao one!
only got a few ppl donate.
1 bus uncle gave us $2! haha..
when we met up with the 2 girls..
my tin was only 1/8 filled. -.-
their 1 were like.. 3 times heavier than mine? -.-
so we went back to tiong.
saw charis and fauziah at the station.
wah lao!
im dam jealous of them can?

adli and i gave back our tins and took 33 to sch with hafizah, hidayah, eric, junjie and alvin.
hafizah and hidayah went into sch for npcc.
the rest of us went home.

and here i am.. typing on my keyboard..
posting because some idiots kept saying i nvr update on my tagboard. -.-


wo yao sui jiao le.
wan an. / good night.

10:04 AM

Sunday, March 23, 2008
wei whoever u are.
hows my new blogskin?
(the spongebob 1)
got freaking sick of seeing my previous 1.
(the sasuke 1)
so i found this 1 while helping 'UR KOR' find a blogskin. =)
haha.. so sian now..
jiehui watching tv then the rest that i usually chat with not online. -.-

i go do my e maths le..
tmr must submit and i havent even started!
cya humans.

5:20 AM

Friday, February 29, 2008
wei ppl.
has been quite some time since i last blogged..
no time.

i just realised i hated this blogskin. -.-
gonna find a new 1 later.
sian lah now.
watching naruto and bleach and reading inuyasha manga.
i read all and watched all until have to wait for the next release liao.

failed 2 out of 3 A maths test.
dam hard lah.
the only 1 that i passed got 10/20. -.-''

no mood to blog..

8:01 PM